“Credo che avere la terra e non rovinarla sia la più bella forma d'arte che si possa desiderare.” “I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.” ANDYÀWARHOL BertolottoÀGreenÀ siÀ poneÀ comeÀ obiettivoÀ quelloÀ diÀminimizzareÀ l’impattoÀ ambientale,À nellaÀ consapevolezzaÀ cheÀ seÀ nonÀ siÀ preservaÀ laÀ nostraÀ amataÀ terraÀ nonÀ preserveremoÀ noiÀ stessi.À SeguendoÀ questaÀ filosofia,À l’aziendaÀ haÀ volutoÀottenereÀperÀiÀsuoiÀmaterialiÀiÀcertificatiÀFSC ® À-ÀCarbÀEpaÀ-ÀVOC.ÀIÀprocessiÀproduttiviÀsonoÀautoalimentantiÀ conÀ energiaÀ elettricaÀ eÀ termica,À attraversoÀ innovativiÀ impiantiÀ fotovoltaiciÀ eÀ unaÀ centraleÀ aÀ biomassa.À Nell’arcoÀ diÀ unÀ anno,À mediamenteÀ BertolottoÀ salvaÀ 8.470À alberiÀ cheÀ corrispondonoÀ adÀ un’areaÀ diÀ 31,40À ettariÀ diÀ terrenoÀ –À eÀ recuperaÀ 507,27À tonnellateÀ diÀ CO 2 .À DaÀ questoÀ impegnoÀ derivanoÀ prodottiÀ daÀ noiÀ utilizzatiÀ perÀ realizzareÀ leÀ nostreÀ porteÀ –ÀMDF,À LSB,À Listellare,À LegnameÀ perÀ unÀ totaleÀ diÀ circaÀ 11.550ÀmetriÀ cubiÀ diÀmateriaÀ prima.ÀNumeriÀ cosìÀsignificativiÀesprimonoÀconcretamenteÀlaÀnostraÀfilosofiaÀgreen.ÀLavorareÀinÀmodoÀresponsabileÀèÀunÀimpegnoÀ costanteÀeÀimprescindibileÀperÀnoi,ÀlaÀqualitàÀdelÀprodottoÀfinitoÀèÀfattaÀancheÀdiÀrispettoÀeÀtutelaÀdell’ambienteÀeÀ ciÀpiaceÀpensareÀcheÀcontribuiamoÀaÀmantenereÀverdeÀ laÀterraÀeÀpuliteÀacquaÀeÀaria.ÀCiÀpiaceÀancheÀpensareÀcheÀ inÀognunaÀdelleÀnostreÀporteÀsiaÀcustoditoÀunÀpezzettoÀdelÀmondoÀdiÀcuiÀciÀprendiamoÀcura,ÀeÀcheÀquestoÀpiccoloÀ pezzoÀdiÀmondoÀsiÀsiaÀtrasformatoÀinÀunÀoggettoÀdiÀdesignÀcheÀciÀaccoglieÀeÀciÀproteggeÀogniÀgiornoÀnell’ambienteÀ piùÀ caroÀ aÀ ciascuno:À laÀ casa.À Così,À nellaÀ nostraÀ quotidianitàÀ unÀ pezzoÀ diÀ alberoÀ diventaÀ parteÀ dellaÀ storiaÀ delleÀ nostreÀvite,ÀmentreÀunaÀnuovaÀpiantaÀcresceÀperÀfarÀparteÀdellaÀvitaÀdiÀtuttiÀeÀdiÀdomani.À/À Mindful that if we don’t work to save our planet we cannot save ourselves, Bertolotto Green aims to minimize its environmental impact. This philosophy has led the company to obtain FSC ® - Carb Epa – VOC certification for its materials. Moreover our manufacturing processes are powered by electrical and thermal energy produced by our own photovoltaic system and a biomass thermal power plant. Mindful that if we don’t work to save our planet we cannot save ourselves, Bertolotto Green aims to minimize its environmental impact. This philosophy has led the company to obtain FSC ® - Carb Epa – VOC certification for its materials. Moreover, our manufacturing processes are powered by electrical and thermal energy produced by our own photovoltaic system and biomass thermal power plant. On average, over a one year period, Bertolotto saves 8.470 trees, which corresponds to an area of 31.40 hectares of terrain, and recovers 507.27 tonnes of CO 2 . The products we use to make our doors are the result of this commitment – MDF, LSB, slats and timber for a total of about 11,550 cubic meters of raw material. Such significant numbers are a true expression of our green philosophy. Working in a responsible way is both an essential and constant commitment for us. Respecting and safeguarding the environment contributes to the quality of the finished product and we like to think that we play our part in keeping the earth green and the air and water clean. We also like to think that a part of the world we are caring for can be found in each of our doors, and that this little part is transformed into a design object that welcomes us and protects us in the place we most care about: our home. So part of a tree, transformed into an everyday object, becomes part of the story of our lives, while a new plant grows to become part of everyone’s lives and of the future. GREEN
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