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INSIDE Sistema0scorrevole0a0 scomparsa0realizzato0su0 misura.0Il0sistema0Inside0viene0 montato0su0un0cassonetto0 metallico0per0l’installazione0 di0porte0scorrevoli0a0 scomparsa0(da0ordinare0a0 parte);0a0pavimento0viene0 applicata0una0guida0in0 nylon0con0funzione0di0anti0 sbandieramento.0 / Pocket sliding system made to measure. The Inside system is fitted on a metal frame for the installation of pocket doors (to be ordered separately); a nylon guide is fitted on the floor to keep the door steady. Scorrevole a scomparsa / Pocket sliding FILOMURO Le0porte0Filomuro0sono0 proposte0in0versione0 a0battente0oppure0a0 scomparsa0interno0muro,0 a0tuttaltezza0e0a0misura.0 Struttura0in0alluminio0a0vista0 e0anta0vetro. / Filomuro flush doors can be installed in hinged or pocket versions, made to measure and floor-to- ceiling. Visible aluminum structure, door leaf available in glass. Battente filomuro / Filomuro flush doors SIMPLE Porta0a0battente0con0 struttura0in0alluminio,0 finiture:0Argento,0Brown,0 Antracite,0Bianco.0Cristallo0 di0sicurezza0(temperato0o0 stratificato).0 / Hinged doors with aluminum structure, finshes: Argento, Brown, Antracite, Bianco. Safety glazing (tempered or laminated). Battente tradizionale / Traditional hinged doors LIGHT Battente con telaio in luce / Hinged with framed doorway PLANA SYSTEM Elementi divisionali scorrevoli: a soffitto, a incasso, a parete / Sliding room dividers with ceiling, recessed, wall tracks La0divisionalità0dinamica0della0 collezione0Plana0rappresenta0 un’importante0occasione0per0 progettisti0e0interior0designer0 di0rapportarsi0in0modo0 creativo0all’organizzazione0 degli0ambienti0 contemporanei.0Soluzioni0 progettuali0ad0una0o0più0vie0 dividono0e0uniscono0gli0spazi0 in0continuità0di0luce. / The dynamic dividers in the Plana Design System collection provide a great opportunity for architects and interior designers to organize contemporary spaces in a creative way. Design solutions with one or more ways of dividing and uniting rooms while maintaining a continuous flow of light. Bond0System0è0una0 significativa0conquista0 nella0tecnologia0applicata0 ai0sistemi0d’apertura.0Le0 soluzioni0divisionali,0anche0di0 grandi0ambienti,0arredano0in0 continuità0di0luce0le0diverse0 aree0del0living0valorizzando0le0 architetture0verso0un’idea0di0 interior0design.0Geometriche0 proposte0con0finiture0ricercate0 che0esaltano0le0atmosfere0del0 living0contemporaneo.0 / Bond System is a significant achievement regarding applying technology to opening systems. Room dividers, even in the largest spaces, allow continuous light to flow through different living areas, enriching architecture with elements of interior design. Structured solutions with refined finishes that enhance the atmosphere of contemporary living. BOND SYSTEM Elementi divisionali con ante a libro: a soffitto, a incasso / Folding room dividers with ceiling, recessed tracks ROLLING SYSTEM Elementi divisionali scorrevoli con binario a terra: a soffitto, a incasso, a parete / Sliding room dividers with floor rail: and ceiling, recessed, wall tracks Sistema0scorrevole0con0 binario0a0terra,0realizzato0 su0misura.0Le0ante0hanno0 struttura0in0alluminio0e0 tamponamenti0sia0con0 pannelli0pieni,0sia0con0vetri0 di0sicurezza0(temperati0o0 stratificati).0Rolling0System0 è0costituito0da0una0trave0 superiore0scatolare0estrusa0in0 un0unico0profilo0di0alluminio,0 da0fissare0a0parete0o0a0soffitto0 e0presenta0un0binario0guida0 a0terra. / Made to measure sliding system with floor rail. The doors feature an aluminum structure and side panelling using either solid panels or safety glazing (tempered or laminated). The Rolling System consists of an upper extruded boxed beam in a single aluminum casing, to be fastened to the wall or ceiling, and an embedded floor rail. CABINA ARMADIO Sostegno a palo portante e sistemi di chiusure / Walk- in closet, rod supports and closing systems BICLOSET A fianco portante e sistemi di chiusura / Walk-in closet, panelled supports and closing systems Bikomp0e0Bicloset0sono0due0 modi0relativamente0diversi0 di0progettare0la0cabina0 armadio.0Bikomp0si0basa0su0 un0sostegno0a0palo0a0cui0si0 agganciano0le0attrezzature0 modulari,0posizionabili0 all’altezza0desiderata.0Bicloset0 propone0in0alternativa0una0 modularità0a0fianco0portante0 con0le0attrezzature0funzionali0 specialistiche0del0“contenere”. / Bikomp and Bicloset are two different ways of designing a closet. Bikomp uses rods to support the modular fittings, which can be positioned at the desired height. Bicloset provides an alternative option with supporting side panels and internal fittings to suit your storage needs. BIKOMP Porta0a0battente0con0 struttura0in0alluminio,0 finiture:0Argento,0Brown,0 Antracite,0Bianco.0Cristallo0 di0sicurezza0(temperato0o0 stratificato).0 / Hinged doors with aluminum structure, finshes: Argento, Brown, Antracite, Bianco. Safety glazing (tempered or laminated). 8