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La0Pop0Art0ed0il0Colore0sono0gli0elementi0 identificativi0dello0stile0“Britto”:0l’allegria0che0 traspare0dalle0sue0grafiche0sta0invadendo0il0mondo0 del0design0e0dell’arte.0Il0linguaggio0utilizzato0 dall’artista0è0trasversale,0e0ben0si0presta0alla0 decorazione,0valorizzazione0e0caratterizzazione0 di0prodotti0di0lusso,0ma0anche0popolari0e0di0ampio0 consumo.0 / Pop Art and Colors are the identifying features of Britto’s style: the joy that shines through his artwork is conquering the world of design and art. The language used by the artist is transverse, and lends itself to the decoration, enhancement and quality of luxury products that are also popular and widely consumed. HEARTS0WITH0WINGS0/0Battente,0laccato0Bianco,0 maniglia0Carol0Cromo0Lucido. HEARTS WITH WINGS / Hinged, Bianco lacquered, handle Carol Cromo Lucido. 56
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