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INSIDE UNIK / Porta monovetro a scomparsa / Single glazed pocket door Porte0scorrevoli0a0scomparsa0Inside,0ante0Unik0struttura0alluminio0finitura0Antracite,0 cristallo0Trasparente0Fumé,0maniglia0Slide.0 / Inside pocket doors, Unik door model with aluminum frame, Antracite finish, Trasparente Fumé glass, Slide handle. INSIDE CRYSTAL FILOMURO / Porta scorrevole a scomparsa / Pocket sliding Porte0scorrevoli0a0scomparsa0Inside0Filomuro,0ante0Crystal0struttura0alluminio0 finitura0Antracite,0cristallo0Trasparente0Fumé,0maniglia0Link.0 / Inside Filomuro pocket doors, Crystal door model with aluminum frame, Antracite finish, Trasparente Fumé glass, Link handle. 17