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BOND UNIK / Porte pieghevoli / Folding doors Le0finiture0ricercate0e0attuali0trovano0 in0Bond0Unik0un0equilibrio0formale0 di0notevole0effetto.0La0purezza0delle0 linee0essenziali0caratterizza0la0tipologia0 d’apertura0a0libro0che0presenta0ampie0 superfici0pervase0dalla0luce,0dove0 tutto0si0rivela0filtrato0da0un’atmosfera0 diffusa.0 / The balanced lines of Bond Unik are the perfect choice for refined and contemporary interiors. The pure minimalist lines of the book folding opening system fill large areas with light, creating an atmosphere diffused with filtered light. BOND0SYSTEM0/0Con0binario0a0incasso,0porte0 divisionali0pieghevoli0Unik,0alluminio0Brown,0 cristallo0Trasparente0Bronzo,0maniglia0Corner.0 BOND SYSTEM / With recessed tracks, Unik folding divider doors, Brown finish aluminum frame, Trasparente Bronzo glass, Corner handle. 14