Catalogo Bertolotto 2020 EFFETTO LEGNO_06-07
A “minimal chic” collection with a textured surface distinguished by a soft in relief finish, available in a range of fashionable colours. Supplied in all versions and opening systems and suitable for the most varied environments and uses. 63 GHIACCIO Trattamento antibatterico / Antibacterial treatment Tutte le finiture della collezione Grafite vengono prodotte con trattamento antibatterico NO-GERM ® che, grazie a una tecnologia microbiologicamente testata secondo la normativa ISO 22196:2011, ne riduce entro le 24 ore la carica batterica fino al 99,9%. All the finishes of Grafite collection are produced with a NO-GERM ® antibacterial treatment which, thanks to a technology that is microbiologically tested in accordance with ISO 22196:2011, reduces its bacterial load by up to 99,9% within 24 hours.
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